Fair PV

The next step in circular solar

Biosphere Solar today is at the forefront of circular solar. In the FAIR PV project, the highly promising and cutting-edge technology of liquid-encapsulation is being researched as an alternative to conventional EVA-lamination procedure. Preliminary research has shown promising results of increased efficiencies and lifetime performance. Funded by the Dutch government through the Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend (RVO), Biosphere Solar is working on the project with partners Circularise, TU Delft, AMS Institute, Amsterdam Economic Board, Gemeente Amsterdam, Provincie Zuid-Holland and AGC. The project will yield a Living Lab experiment which will be open to the public at the Marineterrein of Amsterdam. This will consist of circular solar panels which showcase product passports, high efficiency, and ease of repairs and recycling. 

The project started in Summer 2024 and is set to last for three years. Updates will be found on our LinkedIn regularly, and reports will be uploaded on this page throughout the project. 

Budget: €950,638.00
Duration: 36 months
Project Partners: Biosphere Solar, TU Delft, Circularise, AMS Institute, Amsterdam Economic Board, Gemeente Amsterdam, Provincie Zuid Holland, AGC